Have you read some of Jim Collins great books? I am now referring specifically to his book "Good to Great." In this book, and I paraphrase, he states, "Over the long haul, there is a problem with just being good." He continues, "Businesses, over time, break one way or another. Eventually, the few become great and the rest will ultimately go away." I believe this is more true today than ever before. I also contend that "being good" is just what people expect. Plus, how do you show that you are good? Social media, digital marketing, access to information may have been what you thought were "good offerings" in the past. Now, these are just what the consumer expects as a starting point. So, what to do? Well, one thing that hasn't changed, and won't in the future, is that few become great. This will make some people accept the fact and not even get out of the starting blocks. But, there is one more thing that I think we should all consider. When Mr. Collins states, “The few become great and the rest ultimately go away," I contend that agents will now go away much faster as the competition and the landscape has changed. Faced with the comments above, doesn't it just make more sense to desire being great, as opposed to just being good? I would also contend that being good is harder, as you are always looking over your shoulder. When you strive to be great, you are looking forward with more excitement, due to the dreams and goals of greatness you have subscribed to. How do you attempt to be great? Read on… It’s simple, you need a new member to your Mastermind Group. I have written about this over the years. The Mastermind Group is from Napoleon Hill's Book, "The Master Key to Riches." One of the key parts of this book is that you have to have a Mastermind Group, which is made up of people that are sympathetic and empathetic to your goals, dreams and desires. He goes on to suggest that if you have 5 members, you are already a very wealthy individual. Where do you find a new member of the group to assist you? The answer is The Ohlson Group. You see, we do have a stake in your success. The more successful you become, the more successful we will be. Time is wasting away. Now is the time to be great. Jim Collins and Napoleon Hill have spelled it out, and we are standing by to march forward with you in a mutual quest for greatness. |
December 2024
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