We have all heard the saying, "Life is short." We all know what that means. Time flies by, and the years seem to sail by as we age. When we focus on that, we usually think of things we want to do or accomplish and decide that we had better get on it. But life can also be very long, and for some, that could become a problem. Longevity is one of the greatest challenges people face when looking at their retirement income plans. We might just live longer than the actuarial tables predicted. According to many surveys, this is a leading concern for financial professionals when planning for their clients' retirement. For those in the investment arena, they try to have a good balance of conservative investment while keeping some equity stocks in the portfolio to preserve capital growth. Some pros will use bonds to take care of essential expenses. You know… the home, the loans, the utilities, etc. But sometimes life gets in the way, and there are some circumstances beyond our control that can derail the plan. A good example could be geopolitical events that shatter or upset financial markets. So, what about the client who does not want to take any chances? The one who just wants the guarantee? Well, the answer is obvious. Annuities with income options can provide clients with an income they can never outlive and peace of mind knowing that they can plan for their lives, no matter how long they live. There can be other factors, like a chronic illness or a long-term care event. And of course, we have those products and riders as well! What you can do is say to your client, "Tell me what you need and when you need it. I will give you the exact amount of money you should deploy in this annuity, and I will make it happen." Keep it simple, explain our products, and let people sleep at night. Because remember, life could be very long. Too many advisors today just try some new "Digital Marketing Silver Bullet" that they saw in a promotional newsletter. But they don't have a strategy. And without a digital strategy, you don't know if you are getting the attention of the right target market, at the right time, and with the right message. So, I want to ask you these questions:
The successful financial professional has a digital marketing strategy and they try to take the "guessing" out of what they do, focus on getting ahead of the competition, and increase the bottom line... while having fun. I once hear that the difference between strategy and tactics is, "Strategy is the what, why, where and when.” Tactics are, "How you are going to achieve the strategy?” Have I confused you? Do you feel like the digital wave is rushing over you and you are caught in the undertow? Many of your competitors are finding this profession to be a lot more fun and a lot more profitable after getting a digital marketing strategy down. If that's too much... let us help you! We integrate our proven digital marketing strategy into your overall marketing plan and continue to treasure and utilize traditional marketing tactics and skills. Call us today at 1-877-844-0900 or schedule an appointment and let us prove it to you. Isn’t it amazing how we look at the 10 day weather forecasts and plan so much around it? I'm unsure of the scientific proof as to the accuracy of these predictions, but I do know that we pay attention to those predictions. Whether it be heat waves, blizzards, or storm warnings, many life events can be altered to plan around said weather.
Take many hurricanes for example. They can really pack a punch and most have no idea the potential severity when looking at the forecasts. It is only after the storm passes that we see the true damage. Not only is this true with weather and storms, but also our lives and our clients' lives. We work in one of the most fascinating industries in my eyes. We get to help weather the financial storms and help those who got caught in the rain. We need to tell our clients that there will be financial storms on the horizon, and we don't know what the true effects will be until after this storm passes. And, unlike the younger generation, we “mature” Americans don’t have the time to rebuild. So, are you talking to your prospects and clients about the “10 day forecasts?” If not, maybe you should be. Tell them to imagine a product that allows them to share in the upside, never take a loss, and have an income that is guaranteed for the rest of their lives, regardless of any 10 day forecast. Need additional selling tips? Call us today at 1-877-844-0900 and we will help. "Life is too long..." Nope, that is not a typo. I know that you have heard the expression, "Life is too short...” Yes, we all know the meaning behind that saying. I ran into one of my son's Nick's friends this weekend and we were speaking about a myriad of topics. He said while talking about my future, "Ray, life is too long. You could be around for another 30 years. Have fun and be happy." Well, I am doing both, but his statement made me think about what we do for a living. We help people retire with dignity, without risk of losing principal or gains, and create an income that our clients can't outlive. Yes, we address the issue that, "Life is too long.” I just read an article once that had the title, "Claiming Social Security Early Could Lead to Poverty Later in Life.” The article went on to say that you can get the reduced amount early, but if you died early, you would beat the system. Problem is, prices go up and most are sorry that they took Social Security as early as age 62. Try this one on. In 2015, 33% of men and 40% of women took Social Security at age 62. Why? Simple, they needed the money to get by. Let me propose a different solution. If your client needs income now, take some of his cash and buy a short SPIA that will provide income until your client is age 66 plus for full benefits (maybe even age 70). Then, if possible, have him purchase an FIA with an income rider that will begin payout when the SPIA ends and tie the amount into the Social Security check the client will receive at age 70. Remember that the Social security payout grows by 8% compound interest all the way to age 70 (that is from age 66). Plus, by waiting, the surviving spouse would get a much larger survivors check if the spouse dies. The bottom line is, we have the tools, the presentation, the script for the "Personal Pension Plan". Why don't you set an appointment with us a call and we will give you a "Personal Pension tour." Who knows, this might increase your retirement income! Until next time... good selling I would place a bet that most of you reading this would say your biggest strength is selling and helping your clients. That's great! Helping clients is the most important aspect of this business, but how do we get there? What are you going to do with all the other necessary tasks that you may not be as skilled in (such as digital marketing)? It is tough running your own business, and it is a lot more difficult than it was only 5 years ago. As we get more technologically advanced, it's even more necessary to have digital marketing plan, a branding strategy, website development and maintenance, a vibrant prospecting program, and a new way of obtaining leads. Ohlson Group and Safe Money Places Agent Network can provide you with all of the services and tasks that I mentioned in the previous paragraph. And, just in case you were wondering, there is no reduction in commissions. As a matter of fact, we provide a quarterly bonus to our producers to offset the costs you may have in marketing research, administration, and education. Plus, the more business that you do... the more we pay out each quarter! I don't have enough ink or time to detail everything that we do or have done since 1975. Instead, pick up the phone and dial 877-844-0900 or schedule us in... click here and request a private consultation with one of our marketing consultants. We will analyze your business, present a plan, and then we are on our way. Then you can focus on what you do best... selling! Do you remember the old Greyhound Bus commercial, "Leave the driving to us?" Well, leave the back office and marketing program to us. Then you will see why agents from coast to coast continue to refer to us as... a different experience. Hope to hear from you soon. |
February 2025
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