These are very interesting times in the financial services industry. We’ve had many unusual challenges in the past, but today, the threats affect every part of our business. Today, I am focusing on the insurance based industry and all that participate in this arena. All parties are making plans. The big question is... Will you/we be part of the plan? Let's look at a few of the challenges: The first is the declining ranks in our business. Agents/advisors are getting older and there aren't enough "new babies" coming into the business. So, the insurance companies are wondering where they will get the production. Will the independent/IMO channel give them the desired premium or do they focus on alternative distribution through banks, broker-dealers and direct response? I think you will see a little of each. I don't think, at this time, that they will forsake the independent channels. What about IMOs like The Ohlson Group? We are in the same boat. We have to always have a plan to garner the appropriate amount of premium to have enough profit to fulfil the promises made to our advisors. Fortunately for us, we have a strong life insurance background and have been increasing life sales to complement our annuity sales. What about the most important asset… the advisor in the field? How will they continue to get in front of good qualified prospects, keep their expenses reasonable, and grow as planned? Will the DOL/Fiduciary rule get in the way? Will commissions be reduced or spread out? Who knows… but we must keep moving forward. So, what are some of the answers being produced? Collaboration: Loosely defined, cooperative arrangement in which two or more parties (which may or may not have any previous relationship) work jointly towards a common goal. This is what we’re doing at The Ohlson Group. We have many mid-sized IMOs and agencies that are now working with The Ohlson Group to take advantage of our digital marketing prowess and are in the Safe Money Places Agent Network. This is where we feel the greatest growth and prosperity will occur. We also do the reverse and collaborate with other IMOs that have resources that we can access as well. A very real time example is the fact that over 50 IMOs are using AssessBEST as the vehicle to protect and enhance the careers of our advisors. Consolidate: “To bring together into a single or united whole to become, or cause something to become, stronger and more certain.” I have witnessed several IMOs that are doing this. Many are being purchased. I also think you will see the same happening with the insurance companies that don't feel as though they have enough muscle or capital to stay in the game. Consternation: “A sudden, alarming amazement or dread that results in utter confusion and dismay.” I believe that the DOL/Fiduciary rule has taken consternation to a level not seen in recent years. So, regarding this regulation, the advisor needs to make sure that the IMO is providing everything needed in the areas of marketing, research and education. Plus, the tools to make sure everyone is compliant in this brave new world. In closing, the opportunities have never been greater for us in the field. Think about it: a shrinking supply of agents and advisors, a growing population that needs and wants our guaranteed products, and an industry that will not go away. Simply put, we think we have some answers. But, we need to speak with you to find out what you want to accomplish, to analyze your speed bumps, and put together a plan. I guess you would say that we want to collaborate. Want to give it a try? Give us a call or simply click below to set up an appointment with one of our Marketing Consultants. I think the time is right. Unfortunately, there is a lot of this going on in our business today. Some agents/advisors see new challenges that appear to be too big to overcome. Now, I am well aware that some of the "elder statesman" in our business will just decide to back off the throttle and not deal with this "new reality" facing the financial services professional. They have been the ones that made this business great and they want to now just back away and enjoy the fruits of their labor. So, to this group, "We salute you.” But what about those in the business that say things like, "It's just not the same business anymore.” Or, "I am just one person and I can't compete in this new world?” To all of that, I say wake up and get back in the game. It’s time to align yourself with an IMO that will help. But, as many are finding out, IMOs are looking for people that still have some kick and are looking at these challenges as great opportunities. We, as IMOs, are more than willing to roll up our sleeves and help the advisor reach newfound levels of success. This is going to be a partnership. We all have to win and that is the way it is supposed to be. Andrew Carnegie once said, "There is no use whatever trying to help people who do not help themselves. You cannot push anyone up the ladder unless he is willing to climb himself.” If you are feeling like there is so much going on that you can't focus, that isn't unusual. You have to take things one step at a time. If you will allow me to quote another great person, Winston Churchill, he said "It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link in the chain of destiny can be handled at a time.” You just have to get back in the game. There is a public that needs what we do. They need our counseling, our assessment of their situation, and a product recommendation and implementation that helps empty their "worry buckets." So, what is your next step to get back in this exciting game? Pick up the phone and call someone you have confidence in. In our case, I hope that call goes to The Ohlson Group. You need that "Master Mind Group.” These are the people that are truly sympathetic and empathetic with your goals, dreams and desires. These are people who profit when you profit. Again, I am confident that The Ohlson Group can fit that bill. Then let's talk about what you enjoy, what you are good at, how you want to be viewed in the public and we move forward. We develop the marketing plan, have you set up a marketing budget, increase and improve your digital footprint and we are on our way. It is time to do something now, because if you are not moving forward, you are moving backwards. In closing, I am going to bother you with a quote from Theodore Roosevelt who gave some great advice. "In any moment of decision the best thing to do is the right thing. The next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing." Give one of our marketing consultants a call and get on the road to the greatest level of success that you have ever experienced in our business. Dale Carnegie once wrote, "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." Interesting right? But what does that have to do with what we do for a living? Plenty, I say… plenty. We need to make sure that the prospect and client feels as though we care about them before they will care about us. Too many in the financial services business (and other fields as well) are prescribing solutions prior to assessing where the problem is, like a doctor prescribing a drug before he even asks you where it hurts. If that happened to you, would you shut down, not pay attention, leave and find another physician? Of course you would and that is why many sales are lost in our industry. Let's look… Everyone has worry buckets: those heavy things we carry around that keep us up at night. Some of these buckets are kept private and, in your opinion, not open to discussion with others. Why? Maybe for the fear of others not understanding, the fear of looking foolish, the fear of being rejected. Most of us will not discuss our "worry buckets" until we believe that person we are confiding in is truly empathetic and sympathetic with our goals dreams and desires. Yes, just like the "Master Mind Group" in Napoleon Hill's book, The Master Key to Riches. Where am I going with this? We have one mouth and two ears, so we should be doing twice as much listening. Try asking your clients and prospects where it hurts and find out what keeps them up at night. How do you get to these questions and answers? You have to have an assessment system. Don't have one? Talk to us about AssessBEST and some of the other client building tools that we have. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not so hard if you have a system. If you are just "winging it" and looking hungry, than this is truly the most difficult profession in the world. Need help? Call us and find out why agents from coast to coast continue to refer to us as... a different experience. |
December 2024
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