FIA Strategies... Are They Fact or Fiction?The Ohlson Group commissioned Dr. Jack Marrion to write a follow up to his first white paper (Actual Results vs. Hypothetical Backtesting) on “New Index Strategies vs Strategies with a Long Track Record.
Actual Results vs. Hypothetical BacktestingHistory has shown we can't predict marketwise what will happen tomorrow – much less over the next few years – so any index design based on a particular slice of history will only be right by chance.
A Financial Advisor's Guide to Digital MarketingLearn how to give your business and firm a first good impression online. We will also cover how you can increase website traffict to your website and cultivate more business opportunities through digital marketing.
Marketing Plan OutlineWe developed a marketing plan outline specifically geared towards financial professionals that will help you improve your overall marketing strategy.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)Many people who have websites do not fully understand what SEO means, nor do they know how to begin implementing SEO Tactics and Strategies.
How to Upgrade Your BrandCompetition comes from all aspects of the financial services business. Having a strong brand will help you better compete with other financial professionals and stand out.