Get FREE Agent Branding & Marketing Services
If you don't have a brand for your business, you can use our Safe Money Places Brand as your brand. You can place our Safe Money Places Logos on your business cards, website, and handouts. You keep your independence while providing your clients and prospects with a brand that represents trust and safety. Safe Money Places gives agents independence with sffiliation
Personalized Agent WebsiteWhether you are looking to have a website for the first time, or you are looking to improve your current website, we have the perfect solution for you. We created "Safe Money Agent Websites" to give you a website that comes pre-loaded with very useful client educational material that will make you a Safe Money Authority.
Client Educational VideosOur client educational videos cover many Safe Money Topics such as the "Personal Pension Plan" or "Wealth Transfer". Some of our videos give an overview of how certain Safe Money Products, such as fixed index annuities, work and what benefits they offer.
Personalized Client Educational GuidesGive your clients valuable information regarding many topics that affect their retirement planning. Our Consumer Guide cover the following topics: Annuities, Life Insurance, Safe Money Concepts, Wealth Transfer, Financial Tips and Strategies.
Lead Generating Landing PagesLanding Pages are great ways to obtain leads. You can place links to your landing pages from your website, use in email marketing, and use for social media marketing. Each Landing Page comes customized with your contact info, profile picture, and company logo.