Prospecting leads is similar to planting seeds on a farm. You have to nurture those seeds with the right nutrients, care for them, and wait patiently for the seeds to sprout and grow before you can harvest the crop. Not all of the plants will survive, but if you have enough plants to nurture, your farm will inevitably yield enough crops to be successful and meet your yield goals. For this reason, it’s important to always be collecting and planting new “seeds” to keep your sales funnel in pristine condition. Seeds and Sales Require nurturing Seeds and Sales Require NurturingAnnuities are very big buying decisions for clients and require patience from agents, which admittedly is very difficult for the field, because agents don’t get paid on the 15th and 30th like most corporate office jobs. So, it's understandable that agents get anxious and are more than ready for a sale when a prospect shows interest. However, as we all know, the reward can be tremendous! That’s the thrill of our business, right? Who doesn’t like closing a $500k+ case? Also like crops, leads can’t be rushed to grow quicker or forced to yield a bigger harvest. However, you can use Miracle Grow and good fertilizer (i.e. digital marketing) to help your seeds sprout, grow, and yield a successful harvest. The key difference between many $30M producers and the $1M producers is their approach to prospecting. $30M producers have figured out that secret sauce… prospecting automation systems. How To Prospect Patiently and ConfidentlyThe most successful agents create and execute an effective digital marketing strategy to nurture their leads and prospects on autopilot. This automated workflow helps agents work the leads until they are ready to make a buying decision, which can happen at different times of the year... kind of like Spring, Summer, and Fall harvest. This way, agents don’t feel the need to close a new lead in 30 days, because they are harvesting the crop from 3 months ago, 6 months ago, or even a year ago. There’s a lot less pressure on everyone, and their lifestyles improve, such as being able to spend more time with their families and friends. Plus, agents don’t have to spend as much time chasing the leads as they do closing biz. Combining an effective source of leads with digital marketing can truly create a synergy effect that leads to more sales. Not only will your production increase, but your confidence level will soar because you will have a steady stream of new appointments. People like and trust confident people, and are scared off by anyone who seems desperate. Think about it this way… if you went on a first date, and you asked them to move in with you, wouldn’t that scare the other person off? The same holds true for our business. When you don’t have a marketing automation system in place, you feel more pressure to take action and try to close the prospect as quickly as possible. Some people will not respond well if you try to close them on the first appointment or talk about products. They want to get to know you first, learn more about the services you provide, and most importantly… they want to talk to you about themselves! That’s right, the most important thing you can do during your first appointment is to listen and get to know your client. Most people enjoy talking about themselves, their families, what they’re doing for their communities, their partners/spouses, children, grandchildren, etc. Once you establish a baseline, then start talking about their financial goals, what concerns them about retirement, and what kind of lifestyle they want for themselves. Improve Your Yield Ratio With Less EffortWe know that many agents are great at closing, but it’s getting that opportunity that’s becoming more elusive. The catch-22 of today’s society, is technically we have more resources and tools to accomplish our goals… so it should be easier… but the reality is it’s actually becoming more difficult because competition can be fierce. So, by developing a strong brand to separate yourself from the pack and implementing marketing automation, you can set yourself up to have a tremendous year. If you would like to know what digital marketing services we provide, as well as our in-house annuity lead generation program, please reach schedule a quick call to learn more. We’re here to help you be as successful as possible, and would like the opportunity to earn your business. Start planting the seeds of success today! Want To Learn More?
Having a website can only improve your odds to making contact with leads, setting appointments, and closing sales. There's really no downside to having a website. I know you've been successful in the past, so it's understandable to feel like you're not in dire need of a website. So, I totally get not wanting one or seeing why it's important to have one.
However, if having a website helps you acquire even just one new client, it's probably worth it, right? Especially if we supply you one for free, there's not much to lose. At the very least, it wouldn't hurt to have an agent website because a good website helps you to build even more trust and credibility with prospects, who do not know you or your passion to help them... yet.
Not having a website (or having a bad one), may dissuade certain prospects, especially high end clients, from wanting to work with you.
Here are a few questions I typically ask agents about this subject of not having a website vs having one...
If you want assistance with building a website, we actually provide websites free of charge to you! This is a value of $1000s, as most website setup fees are very expensive. Those websites typically don’t even include educational content, which would increase the cost of development significantly. Why spend the time and money building your website, when we have one ready for you right now? Not only is this an important, if not almost necessary, space in the digital world to showcase your business, brand, and services, but it also contains educational content to benefit your client. We have the videos, the client guides, overview articles, and professional branding you need to make a good first impression to win over the prospect’s expectations and make them want to do business with you. As society becomes more digital, as a business owner, it is crucial you remain in the front of all prospects, especially high end prospects. So, schedule a chat with one of our marketers today and give your business the boost it needs to bring in even more revenue in 2023. Current and pre-retirees are in a pinch and they are worried. Contrary to what many might think, it’s the retirement income that will help them stay afloat. We need to come to the rescue! This might just be our time to shine. Forget all the wonderful projections of the past few years, and focus on the guaranteed retirement income benefits of a Fixed Index Annuity. Have clients that are CD buyers? Show them the CD and Bond alternative. That is the shiny and beautiful MYGA. I am not suggesting that people dump all their equities because they will come back. I am hanging in there but I, like others, wish to add to more Safe Money Places. Our products are perfect for today and tomorrow. Americans are looking for guaranteed income and good return on short term products. So, what to do? Read on… Need leads? We have territories that are open for our wholesale priced digital annuity leads. See if you area is open. Call our marketing team to set up a proposal for your prospects and clients. Try laddering MYGAs and FIAs. Ladies and gents, this is our Super Bowl… our World Series and more. Let’s win together and help America. We have all heard that phrase. The phrase revolves around the idea that a team works better than an individual. I agree, and always look forward to having a chance to brainstorm with others when discussing opportunities or challenges. It lead me to thinking about all the things we can do at Ohlson Group to assist our esteemed advisors. Please allow me to address a few… Regarding opportunities and challenges, Ohlson Group wants to help you identify the areas that are most important to you. Or maybe there are things that keep you up at night. We can address those potential roadblocks and, together, we can smooth the way. We want to help investigate the different tools to the promised land of great success. There are many tools that we, as an IMO, have access to to help you be more successful. Let's explore options together. Next, being innovative might require making slight changes to your practice. We can assist you in making it easier to try a different approach, increase digital presence, or have more people apart of your staff. And finally, the next thing might be for someone, or a team, to provide a little inspiration to help you fulfill your goals. We can do that, or better yet, reach out to a supportive person in your life. Get jazzed up on the idea of changing the lives of your clients! In summary, every IMO has products, but not everyone has walked a mile in your shoes. I have, and I know what might be in your worry buckets, but I can't read your mind. Give us a call at 1-877-844-0900, or click for an appointment to spend 15 minutes with one of our marketing consultants on how we can increase your ROI and sales. The toughest part of this business for most people is prospecting and securing meetings with qualified leads. It's challenging to consistently connect with the right prospects and deliver presentations that effectively convert them into clients. Not to worry though, as we have the answer: Our digital annuity leads at basically wholesale prices! We offer exclusive territories, with only one or two agents in these arranged areas. You must call to find out if your territory is open, as they are going quick. You can also get in front of prospects at client appreciation events. Have a luncheon for your current book and have them bring a friend as an entry cost. This is a great time to have your pitch ready to go, but also connect on a personal level with these clients and prospects. Your marketing yourself here! How about a big ZOOM meeting? Invite the world, but keep them on mute. Make it short and sweet, and let them know their time is valuable to you. The meeting topics can be endless here, but you must make the most of your limited time. If you need a topic and slides, we have them for you. Just let us know, and we can assist! Finally, work with an IMO that has all of these things, and more, for you. Give our office a call to speak with one of our marketing consultants, or schedule an appointment below. People are retiring in our business and there is a public that wants our products and services. We are all familiar with these three great words, and what they have meant to our country. It doesn’t matter what party you might align with, we all want our way of life preserved, protected and defended. That is the American way. Well, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the obvious - there are a lot of geopolitical events happening that could alter or impact Americans portfolios and nest eggs. Again, placing party preferences to the sideline, many feel that inflation is a threat to their retirement income. I made mention to my wife yesterday about the price of gas. I put 20 gallons in the tank and paid about $1 more per gallon than last year. That is an additional cost of $20. Well, I am thankful that that will not up-end my financial life, but it is one of the things that can alter a retirees way of life. There is a lot of uncertainty in the world and that rattles everything that is financial. Taxes, inflation, geopolitical events, unrest in the rest of the world and COVID might all play a part in a rocky financial market. So, now is the time for us to Preserve, Protect and Defend our clients nest eggs. With annuities, as you know, you will not lose a penny of principal or previous gains, when speaking of fixed annuities. We can also guarantee a stream of income that our clients can’t outlive, regardless of how long they live or what the markets might do. We can offer dream completion through the tax free death benefits of a life insurance policy. And, in the event of a chronic illness or long term care needs, we have the products that will accelerate the death benefit to use for those health related expenses. In summary, we will preserve the nest egg and we will protect the income streams and defend their financial way of life. This is a message that doesn’t need an illustration, comparisons, and a whole slew of third party material. It does mean having a real time conversation with clients and prospects and find out what is keeping them up at night. Then we ask if they would like us to help them empty their financial worry buckets and then we go to work. Need help with how to open these conversations? Look no further than Ohlson Group. Our roots, going back to 1975, shows that we have weathered a few of these storms in the past and why we are... a different experience. This sounds all too familiar to many people. We all ask the same question, “How did time fly by so fast?" Well, we all had different things we were dealing with at different times, but often times, they were all too similar. Think about what we say, or said, at these times of life: At age 25:"Hey, we can't save for retirement now, that's 40 years away. We just out of school, have student loans to pay and I need a new car. This is the most expensive my life has ever been, and I don't have much in savings. We have plenty of time to save. Plus, time to have at least a little fun!" At age 35:"We can't save another nickel between the growing family, new mortgage, and private schools. It's the most expensive time we have ever experienced. We will just have to put back extra money later. I have plenty of time in the next 30 years." At age 45:"Save more for retirement? Are you kidding? I'll try, but we have one kid in college and another right behind this one. It's the most expensive time in our lives. When the kids are out of college, we will get a big pay raise, and will start plowing away retirement money then." At age 55:"I know that we should be saving more for retirement, but things didn't work out like we thought. We got caught in a market sell off and had to start a new job. We had to pay for the kid's weddings and the grandkids won't stop coming. We are just strapped." At age 65:"Where did the years go? We thought that we had plenty of time to save for retirement. We weren't worried because our 401k’s and our stocks were flying. Then boom, a market correction. Is there anything that we can do now? We need additional retirement income…" Luckily, the answer is, "Yes!" You can help your clients establish their own "Personal Pension Plans" and utilize annuities for a portion of that plan. You should contact your clients now to discuss their alternatives, because the past can directly affect the future. Now might be time to keep some of their money in a safe place. Let us help you, help them. I believe this holds true for about anything a person is trying to market or sell. If you believe in the “10/3/1” formula, then you know what I am talking about. You know, you get 10 leads, make 3 appointments and it typically results in one sale. Now, I agree that the formula is for the average salesperson. Many of you do much better than that. Once the first sale is made, we all work for referrals and additional business from the new client. Wait, I think I should back up for a second. We all seem to use the term “client” a lot when describing the first sale. I believe that the first sale makes them a customer. Our future actions will determine as to whether or not they become a client. Let’s investigate: Most experts believe that the first sale means that the consumer is trusting you with part of their assets, not all of them. They will then observe how you keep the promises that were made and the additional value that you bring to them. That is where we think we can help. We provide ample services designed to retain clients and help you provide the best services to them. We provide content that you can drip on your clients and prospects on a regular basis. We assist you in helping clients and prospects go to your website, and if you don't have one, we can develop and manage the website for you. In summary, we assist you in your efforts to be the “go to” person when considering additional purchases. This also helps you get the referrals that you desperately want. So, let’s think about it. We have the digital marketing program to generate and provide you with bona fide leads at one of the best costs in the industry. Ladies and gentlemen, the cost to obtain the second sale and referred leads is very low. In summary, if you want to increase your sales, lower your acquisition costs, and be the go to person in your area, you need to speak with one of our marketing consultants. Territories are still available. My wife and I took a one night trip to a great city. Went to dinner and a show and explored the next day. We checked out of our hotel and went to the historic district to tour. But first, we needed to find a place to park. We pulled into a spot on the street that had numbered spots. Of course, we were supposed to put in a credit card, our spot number, and then pay for the amount of time that we would need. I had to make a decision. Do I pay for more time than I think I need to play it safe? Or risk a shorter time and save a couple of bucks. But it got me thinking about our lives, our clients’ timelines, and the parking meters of life. Please read on… What if our lives had a meter and we knew exactly when life would end? I guess that would make it easier for lifetime income needs. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to know that date. I think our clients and prospects feel the same way. But most don’t want to take chances and they need their “income meter” to keep going and protect them for as long as they live. Isn’t that what we provide? An income that they can’t outlive? For as long as they live? With no losses to principal and previous gains? Isn’t it wonderful that we can ask our clients, “How much do you need and when do you need it?” We are then able to give them a number to place in their fixed index annuity, and guarantee that that amount of money will be there for as long as they live, even if the meter says… time expired. Make sure that your clients don’t outlive the amount of money that they have in their retirement meter. I just thought that now would be a good time to remind ourselves as to what keeps our clients up at night. I am confident that most of your clients have at least one of these worries: Loss of Income...As we get older, the size of the "pile of our money" is less important when compared to the income it will produce and the length of time it will continue. Sometimes with age we regress. Early on, we wanted to know what the monthly payment for that car, house, etc. was. Now we want to know what the monthly income I can derive from my nest egg is. Loss of Life...Yep, really important. We all know that in the case of a married couple, the smaller social security check will go away at the death of a spouse. That will probably cause a problem. Maybe a life insurance policy will help ease the pain. And what about additional life coverage to pay for the final expenses? We can ease the financial burden if we play the cards right. Loss In The Portfolio...Sure, when we were all young and dollar cost averaging, a market downturn could be viewed as an opportunity. But what about if you are nearing or in retirement? I don't think so. The stakes are much higher, and a significant loss could severely impact your standard of living. Loss of Independence...The inability to do the activities of daily living is a big one. An assisted living community is expensive. Could it be time to present a long-term care solution? Maybe a life policy or annuity that has accelerated or enhanced benefits if your client is not able to perform 2 of the 6 activities of daily living? That may help... Legacy PlanningSure, we want to pass on what we have learned, and maybe a little bit of what we have earned. Remember, life insurance goes directly to the named beneficiary, bypasses probate and is free of federal income tax. Maybe it’s time to rollover unneeded assets for income into a Single Premium Life policy with enhanced benefits. I know that you are all aware of the big "L" issues. But, is your client? It is our duty to help. How can we help you, help them? |
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